As far as mass consumption goods are concerned, the automotive industry was the first to introduce standardisation and automated production. Currently, the production lines of the world’s largest automakers are more than 90 per cent automated. As a powerful country in the automobile industry, China is also a world leader in the production of fully […]

As far as mass consumption goods are concerned, the automotive industry was the first to introduce standardisation and automated production. Currently, the production lines of the world’s largest automakers are more than 90 per cent automated. As a powerful country in the automobile industry, China is also a world leader in the production of fully automatic car production lines. The automatic car production line is equipped with many conductive slip rings. For example, some welding robots, visual inspection equipment, etc. D. There may be conductive slip rings.

As a leading private manufacturer of conductive slip rings in China, JINPAT Electronics has also provided many solutions for the automotive industry. Many of these solutions are specifically designed for automotive production line equipment. JINPAT Electronics has developed a typical conductive slip ring for welding robot, which is a symbol of intelligent production line.

The conductive slip ring of this welding robot consists of a power ring, a signalling ring and a gas-liquid swivel joint. Jinpa Electronics has a utility model patent in this field of technology, patent number ZL201821145796. 10. Among these products, the most representative products are LPT000-0808-08S-01A and LPT000-0508-E2-01A.

The first is a conductive slip ring with minor modification based on patented JINPAT products. Upon customer request, this model has been modified in terms of the signal transmission module.

Газожидкостное контактное кольцо

JINTPAT LPT000-0808-08-S01A is a special conductive slip ring specially designed for welding robot, which integrates 8 8A current paths, 8 signal paths and 1 gas path. The LPT000-0508-E2-01A conductive slip ring also has the structure of JINPAT’s patented conductive slip ring, inheriting a number of its advantages such as long service life. The power path has been reduced to 5 channels, while the current is still 8A. The signal path has changed to 1 channel of 100M Ethernet, with 1 channel remaining in the gasliquid module. This model can pass all kinds of gases that the welding robot requires during welding.

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